Since the Azure Stack Development Kit Version 1804 (Release Build Number ) you get additional errors when you deploy Azure Stack in an Hyper-V VM. This short blogpost is about the additional modifications you have to make to the CloudBuilder.VHDX to get a successful deployment. Follow exactly the description of the Blogpost „Installing Azure Stack […]
WeiterlesenQuick NavigationThe goal of this postGet the Azure Stack Development KitDownload the Azure Stack Development KitModify CloudBuilder.vhdx for Nested Hyper-VPrepare the Hyper-V HostCreating a NAT SwitchPrepare the AzureStack VMCreate the AzureStack VMAdd CloudBuilder.vhdx BootdiskModify Processor CountAdd four Data VHDXDisabling Time SyncronisationChange Automatic Stop Action (optional)Enable Nested VirtualizationEnable Mac Address SpoofingChange VM Boot OrderChange Settings in […]